Plastic Waste
- We have removed all straws & stirrers & switched from plastic condiment bottles to reusable, lidded glass jars, cutting 10,000+ items of plastic a year from our operation.

- We stock Two Farmers crisps, the UK’s FIRST 100% compostable & plastic free crisp brand! Not only is all of their packaging plastic free & compostable, but they use their own award winning British potatoes and renewable energy which they generate on their farm in Herefordshire.
- To replace the mini portions of butter that are wrapped in foil, our chefs now cut cubes of butter for our customers.
- We proactively engage with suppliers and encourage them to review their packaging to make it as sustainable as possible.

Two Farmers crisps
Paper Waste
- To replace our paper napkins, we have brought in linen napkins that can be washed (in our very own laundry room) and re-used.
- We have changed our merchant provider to a system that no longer requires us to print till receipts or credit card receipts.
- We have introduced digital business cards that can be accessed through QR codes.

Linen napkins

New card machines
Food Waste
- Our food waste initiatives range from offering ‘Little Tummies’ dishes for those with a smaller appetite to doggy bags for leftovers to be taken home.
- After a recent food waste trial, we found that burger buns contributed the most to our food waste. We introduced a no bun option with our burgers, offering to donate to charity for each bunless or half bun burger ordered. Customers who prefer less bread are happy, we have cut our food waste AND are contributing more funds to our nominated charity.
- We separate our food waste which is then collected and made into agricultural fertiliser or animal feed, so nothing goes to landfill.
- Our chef team are focused on minimising waste in the preparation of food. For example, vegetable peelings are used to create the most flavoursome base for our amazing gravy!
- Each pub also uses a compost bin which provides valuable compost for our kitchen gardens.

Full bun

No bun